Administrative Resource Center
Job Aid | Genesys Cloud CX

Ending a Call

When you end a call you will need to follow whatever business process your help desk follows. These instructions are for a generic process.

When you have completed the call you will need to make certain you end the call properly and provide any necessary wrap up codes.

conversation profile button

The Profile button will show any relevant contact information that may be stored about the caller.

conversation notes button

The Notes button is used to store any notes about the interaction you may want to take. Please check with your help desk supervisor to see if this is a feature your area uses.

conversation schedule call back button

The Schedule Call Back button is used to schedule a call back to the customer at a specific date and time. Please check with your help desk supervisor to see if this is a feature your area uses.

conversation wrap up code button

The Wrap Up Codes button will display the wrap up codes used by your service desk. Choose the most appropriate wrap up code for the call.

Ending the Call

The call is not completed until you hang up the call. This can be done using the End Call 

Hang Up button

button in the call controls panel. When you hang up the call, click the Done button in the lower right hand corner. If you did not already choose a wrap up code, you will be presented with the Wrap Up Code screen but you will have an after call work timer running! Choose your code quickly and click done. You will then be placed back into Ready for calls.

Last modified: Feb 27, 2023