Supervisors have the ability to assign queues to their agents.
To assign a queue to an agent select Admin in the top navigation bar and then click Queues under the Contact Center category.

This will show you all the queues that you are in. Find the queue that you will be assigning. You can search for the queue using the search field at the top or you can scroll through the list manually. There are next and previous buttons if you a lot of queues. Click the name of the queue. This will open the details of the queue. Click on the Members tab at the top.

You will see a list of the current members of the queue. To add a member click the Add User button on the right hand side of the panel. This will open the Add Users panel.

You can add multiple users to a queue at a time. Search for the user using the search field at the top. Place a checkmark in the box to the left of their name. Once you have selected all the users you would like to add click the Add Selected button.
To remove a member of a queue move to the members panel of the queue details. Find the agent you would like to remove from the queue. Click the delete button

at the end of the agent row. To remove multiple agents at once place a check mark in the box to the left of each agent name you need to remove. Click the Remove selected users button at the top of the screen.

Last modified: Feb 28, 2023