Genesys is a web-based application which means most of your navigation is going to function very similar to common websites you have visited. Things will be done in panels and tabs. Navigation will mainly be done through toolbars.
When you first log into Genesys everything will be in a default state. As you work in the system it will become more intuitive and remember things you have done before and panels you have left open. The main screen you will start with is the Profile screen. Please see Your Genesys Profile for details.
Across the top of the screen you will see the horizontal navigation bar. This is used to move to different areas of Genesys. What you can see will be determined by your role in the system.

The options on the navigation Bar are:
- Activity - This will show your current Activity Stream.
- External Contacts - This is the Contact List for your organization.
- Documents - This is a document storage location specific to Genesys. Speak with your help desk supervisor to see if this is a feature your area is using.
- Performance - This is the menu that will allow you to access your Workspace. Please see The Workspace for more details.
Down the left side of the screen you will see another navigation bar, this one will allow you access to quick tools and features.

The first button is your profile icon and can be used to open your profile. Please see Your Genesys Profile for more details. This is also used to:
- Activate in queues
- Set Phone
- Set Status
- Modify Preferences
- Logout
The second button is a star and is used to access your favorites. These would be contacts that you have marked as a "favorite".
The third button that looks like a phone handset is the Calls button. This will open the calls panel and allow you to make calls.
The fourth button is the Inbox. This is used to access any voicemails that you may have in the Genesys system.
The most important button here is the Interactions button.

The naming of this button is confusing, however it opens the Conversations window. This is the panel where your current conversation is stored, where new conversations will come in and typically the first screen you will see every time you log into Genesys, after the first time.
The Conversation panel is a simple interface that can be expanded, collapsed and hidden from view. The panels are controlled the same throughout the system.
To hide a panel click the Hide Panel button in the upper right hand corner of a panel.

To expand and collapse a window larger or smaller, use the collapse and expand buttons in the upper right hand corner of the panel,

Last modified: Mar 29, 2023